Hans O Bergman

Hans O Bergman was born in Malmö, Sweden in 1951. Lives and works in Åsa, outside Gothenburg.

“Color and shape are important to me in my work. When the spontaneous painting intermingles with the planned, the best result is achieved. My works are mainly oil on canvas. I work with brush and knife. Also, I use different materials such as paper, burlap, etc. to achieve a tension and a further dimension to my paintings.”



Solo Exhibitions
Art & Form, Stockholm
Galleri Kika, Karlstad
Jäger & Jansson, Lund
RiverCity Gallery, Gothenburg
Galleri Nord, Örebro
Älvstadens Konstförening, Gothenburg
Konsthallen, Höör
Galleri SK, Gothenburg
Galleri Mirage, Ängelholm
Höllvikens Konsthall
Galleri Kungsbacka Konstgård, Kungsbacka
Galleri Fenix, Gothenburg

Group Exhibitions
Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping
RiverCity Gallery, Gothenburg
New Year Exhibition, Cadogan Contemporary, London
Summer Exhibition, Cadogan Contemporary, London
Galleri Kim Anstenssen, Gothenburg
Galleri Scandinavia, Gothenburg
Galleri Särö Konst & Ram, Kungsbacka
Galleri Olab, Gothenburg
Galleri Bergman, Stockholm
Galleri Svea, Stockholm
Galleri Nord, Örebro

Umeå Universitet
Galleri Art & Form, Stockholm
Galleri Abante, Stockholm
Astra Zeneca, Mölndal
Eka Chemicals, Bohus
Kungsbacka Kommun
Papyrus AB, Mölndal
Santa Maria Kryddor, Mölndal
Trollhättans Kommun

Art Fairs
Affordable Art Fair, Stockholm, 2013
Oslo Art Fair (jurybedömd), 2008
Open Art Fair, Utrecht, Holland (jurybedömd), 2008
Art Nordic, Göteborg (jurybedömd), 2008
Kungsbacka Konst- & Antikmässa
Art Nordic, Kungsbacka (jurybedömd), 2007

Janners Reklamskola


A selection of Hans O Bergmans art

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